Funding Programs.

It has never been more worthwhile.

There is support for your investment in climate-friendly lighting: Public programs promote efficient indoor and outdoor lighting with funding rates of up to 50 %. Learn more about the different possibilities for municipalities and private companies, for indoor and outdoor lighting. 


BEG funding program (federal support for efficient buildings)

Various funding measures for energy-efficient retrofits have been bundled through the Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings (BEG), which will start on January 1, 2021.

A central component of the BEG program is funding for lighting refurbishment. In addition to the lighting system and relevant ancillary components (e.g. control and regulation technology), funding is also provided for consulting, planning and installation, as well as other measures required to carry out the actual refurbishment (e.g. replacement of electrical distribution, dismantling of the old system, etc.).

  • Simplified application process: The broad-based subsidy integrates ten previous individual programs and is centered at the project executing agencies KfW and Bafa. For all measures, a choice can be made between grants (Bafa) or loans with a repayment subsidy (KfW). 
  • Direct grant for companies and municipalities: The BEG program applies to non-residential buildings. Previously, the only option for companies was to receive funding via a low-interest KfW loan with a repayment subsidy. Owners of non-residential buildings can receive funding as a direct grant. This can be particularly interesting for small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Freedom from state aid: The entire BEG, i.e. the funding guidelines for individual measures as well as for non-residential buildings (NWG), has been classified as free from state aid by the European Commission. This means that you no longer have to provide any information that would otherwise be required for aid within the meaning of EU state aid law in your applications for funding.
  • Duration: The directive comes into force on January 1, 2021 and ends on December 31, 2030.


Funding is available for the installation of advanced lighting systems in existing buildings. The complete replacement of luminaires, including the necessary components and ancillary work, as well as the creation of a lighting concept are eligible for funding. 

Daylight- or presence-dependent controls as well as controls of lighting systems can also be funded. Retrofit and replacement lamps are not eligible.

In simplified terms, existing buildings are all buildings older than five years (or GEG-relevant buildings (formerly EnEV) whose building application or building notification dates back at least five years at the time of application). The buildings are heated buildings with a temperature of +12°C or higher. Unheated halls or areas are not covered by the funding guidelines.

Certain minimum technical requirements apply to the lighting system in terms of system luminous efficacy and luminous flux maintenance:

  • System luminous efficacy for LED continuous row luminaires min. 140lm/W, otherwise 120lm/W.
  • Luminous flux maintenance LED luminaires > L80/50,000h

The following evidence must be provided:

  • Confirmation of an energy efficiency expert
  • Manufacturer's proof of product characteristics
  • Project-related invoices and proof of payments made, list of eligible investment measures and costs
  • Conditional supply or service contract required for application

Eligible applicants are:

  • Enterprises, including sole proprietors and municipal enterprises,
  • other legal entities under private law, including housing cooperatives,
  • freelancers,
  • local authorities, municipal associations of municipalities and special-purpose associations,
  • as well as legally dependent proprietary enterprises of local authorities,
  • non-profit organizations including churches

This applies to owners, lessees or tenants of the land, part of the land, building or part of the building, as well as to contractors. Lessees, tenants or contractors require written permission from the owner.



The funding rate is a flat rate of 15 percent of the eligible expenditure.

Eligible expenditure is capped at 500 euros per square meter of net floor area, with a total maximum of 15 million euros.

The subsidy is granted as a direct grant. The direct grant can be combined with other financing.
The KfW 278 funding program was transferred to the BEG funding at KfW on 01.07.2021 (loan with 20% repayment subsidy).

Note: The KfW program variants of the BEG was temporarily stopped from 24.01.2022 until additional budgetary funds are made available. BAFA's BEG funding programs will continue unchanged.

SITECO Informationsflyer zum BEG Programm

Information from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) on the BEG program (german site)

Further contacts for the exchange on subsidized energy consulting (energy efficiency experts)

Information from KfW on the BEG support programn

Note: The KfW program variants of the BEG have been temporarily stopped from 24.01.2022 until additional budget funds are made available. BAFA's BEG funding programs will continue unchanged.

BMU funding program - general information

Funding organisation:

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Project Management Organisation Zukunft-Umwelt-Gesellschaft gGmbH (ZUG)

Address for funding applications:

Project Management Agency ZUG
Future-Environment-Society gGmbH
Stresemannstrasse 69
10963 Berlin
030 / 700 181-880

  • No call for tenders before notice of approval
  • Project must be started, executed and completed
  • The start of the measure must be proven within the first nine months
  • Financing must be secured and own funds must be confirmed. (from the steward)
  • Don’t worry: It is possible to rectify faulty applications!


  • Prototypes, own constructions, used equipment
  • Own work, planning/engineer
  • Current expenditure/maintenance
  • Retrofit solutions: not sustainable

Application deadline: All year
Duration of the guideline: By 12/31/2027

BMU funding program for outdoor lighting

Organizations entitled to receive funding:

  • Municipalities, cities, communities and districts (associations)
  • Companies and institutions with at least 25 % municipal participation
  • Public, non-profit, religious schools, day care centers and universities or their sponsors
  • Religious communities with corporate status
  • Public and independent, non-profit youth workshops and child and youth welfare institutions
  • Sports clubs registered as non-profit
  • Cultural non-profit institutions
  • Workshops for disabled people

Renovation of the exterior and street lighting in combination with installation of a control and regulation system

  • For zone-based or presence-dependent switching (point 2.8.1). 
    • Reasonable economic payback time
    • LED module and ballast must be replaceable
    • Newly installed luminaires must not generate light immission into the upper half-space
    • Insect and nature concerns shall be considered when selecting color temperature and lighting class. The correlated color temperature shall be a maximum of 3,000K. If possible, the lowest standard-compliant lighting class shall be selected.
    • Minimum luminaire service life of 100,000h L80
  • For adaptive use regarding adjustment of the system to different weather conditions and traffic densities (point 2.8.2) 
    • Reasonable economic payback time
    • LED module and ballast must be replaceable
    • Newly installed luminaires must not generate light immission into the upper half-space
    • Insect and nature concerns shall be considered when selecting color temperature and lighting class. The correlated color temperature shall be a maximum of 3,000K. If possible, the lowest standard-compliant lighting class shall be selected.
    • Minimum luminaire service life of 100,000h L80
    • Adaptive by adjusting the lighting level
    • Adaptive by adjusting the light distribution or a favorably selected static pole height-to-pole spacing ratio.
    • Overall uniformity U0 of 0.55 (dry road) and 0.4 (wet road) - After installation, photometric measurement shall be performed
    • A lighting design by qualified partner is to be carried out

LED outdoor and street lighting:

  • 25 % subsidy (40 % for financially weak municipalities / brown coal areas)
    Greenhouse gas savings of 50 % through highly efficient lighting incl. regulation and control technology (time or presence-dependent) 
  • 40 % subsidy (55 % for financially weak municipalities / lignite mining areas)
    Greenhouse gas savings of 50 % through highly efficient adaptive lighting incl. control technology (dependent on weather and traffic density)


Earmarking period:

  • 5 years


Minimum funding amount:

  • 5.000 €


Debt financing:

  • Permitted > min. 15 % equity

BMU funding for indoor lighting

Organizations entitled to receive funding:

  • Municipalities and 100 % municipal associations
  • Companies and institutions with at least 25 % municipal participation
  • Public, non-profit, religious schools, day care centers and universities or their sponsors
  • Religious communities with corporate status
  • Public and independent, non-profit youth workshops and child and youth welfare institutions
  • Sports clubs registered as non-profit
  • Cultural non-profit institutions
  • Workshops for disabled people

Refurbishment of the interior and hall lighting incl. regulation and control technology

  • Reasonable economic payback time
  • System luminous efficacy min. 100 lm/W
  • Rated service life of the luminaire of 50,000h (L80)
  • Color rendering of min. 80 Ra
  • Control min. reference design according to GEG Annex 2 Table 1 for corresponding usage zone
  • Lighting design according to DIN EN 12464-1:2021 or, in the case of sports facilities, according to DIN EN 12193 by qualified planners

25 % funding (up to 40 % for financially weak municipalities):

  • For greenhouse gas savings of at least 50 %, compared to the old system through highly efficient lighting, including regulation and control technology (time or presence-dependent)


BMU funding programm for lighting of sports facilities

Associations recorded in the register of associations as being non-profit and with sports as the primary purpose of the association. Funding exclusively under Article 55 of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014.

Refurbishment of the floodlighting system in combination with the installation of control technology suitable for use

  • Acquisition of the system components incl. control system
  • Expenses for dismantling and professional disposal of the luminaires to be replaced
  • Expenses for qualified personnel for installation
  • Expenditure for qualified personnel to carry out photometric measurements

For sports facilities, the illuminance may exceed the value of the lighting class III (for simple training operation) or lighting class II (for competition operation) specified in DIN EN 12193 for the respective sport by a maximum of 30 %.

  • 25% subsidy (40% for financially weak municipalities / brown coal areas): for greenhouse gas savings of 50% through highly efficient lighting incl. regulation and control technology for zone-by-zone time and presence-dependent switching. In the case of lighting systems in a sports infrastructure and other outdoor facilities that are not covered by street lighting, a usage-based lighting control system (e.g. two-stage for training and competition) must be installed as a special form of zone-by-zone switching. This can be done, for example, via a classic power reduction (LST) circuit.
  • In addition, the luminaires must meet the following requirements:
    • Reasonable economic payback time
    • LED module and ballast must be replaceable
    • Newly installed luminaires must not generate any light immission into the upper half space (0% light immission)
    • Insect and nature concerns must be considered when selecting color temperature and lighting class. The correlated color temperature shall be a maximum of 4,000K. If possible, the lowest standard-compliant lighting class shall be selected.
    • Minimum luminaire service life of 50,000 h L80 B50

External financing permissible with at least 15 % equity capital

Contacts - Funding Programs Germany

Rainer Wrenger
Application Business Development Manager

Phone +49 175 181 352 0

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Ralf Schnack
Head of Team City South

Phone +49 160 742 41 55

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Jens-Uwe Moses
Head of Team City North

Phone +49 170 655 08 90

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Andreas Völtz
Head of Project Sales

Phone +49 171 350 65 29

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Günter Fertl
Head of Project Sales South

Phone +49 171 350 62 03

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Domestic environmental promotion, light

The corporate environmental promotion ("domestic environmental promotion", "UFI") primarily serves to promote environmental protection measures in companies. This means that the target groups of this funding program are companies and other entrepreneurially active organizations. Non-Austrian companies can also be funded. The decisive factor is that the environmentally relevant investments are made at company locations in Austria.

In addition to the company focus, environmentally relevant projects by so-called "non-competitors" such as denominational communities, associations as well as corporations under public law (associations, etc.) can also be supported. Local authorities can be supported in the form of a "business with market-determining activities" in all funding areas.

A limited number of funding areas are open to municipalities as applicants under certain conditions.



  • Depending on the connected load, 500 Euro/kW is subsidized for < 20 kW and 400Euro/kW for ≥ 20 kW connected load.
  • 100 Euro/kW bonus for simultaneous implementation of a lighting control system.
  • The maximum subsidy is 30% of the investment costs
  • The funding ceiling for projects ≥ 20 kW is a maximum of 4.5 million euros
  • For municipalities, subsidies are reduced by 40%, except in interior areas without demand allocation.

Investment volume:

  • The connected load of the installed LED luminaires must be at least 0.5 kW.

Eligible costs:

  • Planning
  • LED systems and installation
  • Automated control system

Minimum technical requirements:

  • Efficiency: 100 lm/W (< 20 kW connected load), 120 lm/W (≥ 20 kW connected load).
  • Color rendering: CRI 80
  • Service life: 50,000 h (L80/B50)
  • Standard-compliant lighting design (confirmation by a certified planner).

Outdoor area

Promotion of street and outdoor lighting installations:

  • 50 Euro/light point
  • 20 Euro/light point supplement for situational lighting
  • The maximum subsidy is 30% of the investment costs
  • The funding ceiling per project is a maximum of 4.5 million euros
  • For municipalities, the subsidies are reduced by 40

Investment volume:

  • Conversion of at least 20 light points (LP).

Eligible costs:

  • Planning
  • LED luminaires for streets and outdoor areas (without poles) including installation
  • Control system for night-time lowering and all forms of sensor controls

Minimum technical requirements:

  • Efficiency 120 lm/W per LED luminaire
  • Interchangeability of modules
  • Spare parts guarantee for at least 10 years
  • Light pollution must not exceed ULOR 0.5
  • Standard-compliant lighting design (confirmation by a certified planner)

Subsidy for sports facilities (floodlighting) in outdoor areas:

  • 250 Euro/light point
  • 50 Euro/lighting point surcharge for user-friendly control system
  • The maximum subsidy is 30 % of the investment costs
  • The funding ceiling per project is a maximum of 4.5 million euros
  • For municipalities, subsidies are reduced by 40

Investment volume:

  • Conversion of at least 4 existing light points (LP).

Eligible costs:

  • Planning
  • LED luminaires for sports facilities (without masts) including installation
  • Control for e.g. presence, training or competition mode

Minimum technical requirements:

  • min. 30 % reduction of power at equivalent lighting level
  • Interchangeability of modules
  • Spare parts guarantee for at least 10 years
  • Light pollution must not exceed ULOR 0.5 %.
  • Lighting design in compliance with standards (confirmation by a certified planner)



Funding is provided for building-related investment measures to save final energy in sports facilities (e.g. sports halls, sports grounds, special facilities for individual sports) in Austria. These are:

  • Thermal building refurbishment: measures for thermal building refurbishment (comprehensive refurbishment and individual measures)
  • Energy-efficient and climate-friendly heating: conversion to energy-efficient and climate-friendly heating (connection to district heating, heat pump, wood heating)
  • Energy-saving measures: energy-saving measures (lighting, ventilation, heat recovery)
  • Energy-efficient and climate-friendly cooling: measures for energy-efficient and climate-friendly cooling 

A maximum budget of EUR 56 million is available for this funding program until 2030. Funding per project is limited to 2.2 million euros.


  • Predominant use of the building as a sports facility
  • At least 20% of the usage times for hobby or amateur sports
  • The maximum funding is 50% of the investment costs
  • The maximum funding limit per project is 2.2 million euros
  • Investment sum of at least 10,000 euros per application

Eligible costs:

  • LED luminaires
  • Lighting control systems
  • Installation-related cables and lines, switching and plug-in devices, etc.


LED conversion of floodlight systems:

  • 500 euros/light point (= floodlight)
  • 100 Euro/light point surcharge for user-friendly control system

Minimum technical requirements:

  • At least 30% reduction in connected load
  • Interchangeability of the modules
  • Spare parts guarantee for at least 10 years
  • Light pollution must not exceed ULOR 0.5
  • Standard-compliant lighting design (confirmation by a certified planner)

LED conversion of street and outdoor lighting:

  • 100 euros/light point (=luminaire)
  • 40 euros/lighting point surcharge for situational lighting

Minimum technical requirements:

  • Efficiency 120 lm/W per LED luminaire
  • Interchangeability of the modules
  • Spare parts guarantee for at least 10 years
  • Light pollution must not exceed ULOR 0.5
  • Standard-compliant lighting design (confirmation by a certified planner)

LED conversion of interior lighting:

  • 800 euros/kW connected load
  • 200 Euro/kW surcharge for lighting control (at least motion-activated or daylight-dependent)

Minimum technical requirements:

  • Efficiency 120 lm/W
  • Color rendering at least CRI 80
  • Service life 50,000 h (L80/B50)
  • Standard-compliant lighting design (confirmation by a certified planner)

Contacts - Funding Programms Austria

Sebastian Glunz
Head of Team Austria

Phone +43 676 830 24 250

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Corona immediate measures

The Swiss Federal Office of Energy decided to increase the subsidies for the ProKilowatt programs, thereby providing greater support for investments in energy efficiency in Switzerland.

The increased subsidies apply to SMEs, industry and households participating in energy efficiency programs recognized by ProKilowatt.

  • The current ProKilowatt programs now offer end customers a 30% higher contribution than originally planned.
  • Only the new measures that have not yet been implemented at end customers can benefit from this support.
  • To benefit from this additional support, the measures must be implemented by the end of 2021.
  • This immediate measure applies to the effeLED 3.0 and effeSPORT programs
  • The General Terms and Conditions, effeLED 3.0 as of December 2019 remain valid, effeSPORT as of August 1, 2020 are valid.

Source and further information:

EffeLED 3.0

effeLED3.0 is a national support program of the professional association of the lighting industry for the implementation of energy-efficient lighting solutions with innovative LED technology in functional buildings.

The program promotes energy-efficient lighting solutions with innovative LED technology and light sensor technology in functional buildings. The program is designed to save a total of 118.5 million kWh of electricity. It supports renovation projects that are implemented in Switzerland between 2020 and 2022 and meet the efficiency requirements of the federal government.

effeLED3.0 is based on an initiative of the Swiss Lighting Industry Association (FVB) and will be rolled out in Switzerland as part of the "ProKilowatt" competitive tender financed by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy.

Support is available for SMEs, industry and households participating in ProKilowatt recognized energy efficiency programs.

Source and further information:

  • Up to 30,000 Swiss francs in subsidies: effeLED3.0 pays 200 Swiss francs per MWh saved up to a maximum of 30 percent of the investment costs. The maximum subsidy is 30'000 Swiss francs.
  • Save 50 % to 90 % of electricity costs: Lighting solutions subsidized by effeLED3.0 consume 50 to 90 percent less electricity than conventional lighting systems.
  • Experts for sustainable lighting solutions: An effeLED3.0 expert will be available to answer questions during the implementation of the new lighting system and will conduct a free on-site light check at the end.
  • Additional funding with light sensors: Projects that use presence or daylight sensors receive additional funding.
  • effeLED3.0 certificate also applies to Minergie: The effeLED3.0 certificate can also be used for the Minergie application at the same time.

Source and further information:


The Swiss Football Association is setting an example in the use of environmentally friendly resources: the LEDforFOOT funding program supports Swiss municipalities and sports clubs in financing LED lighting on football pitches.

Sustainable with LEDforFOOT

Due to the high utilization of training pitches in Switzerland, footballers rely on lighting for their pitches. The more than 2,000 competition pitches are mostly still equipped with conventional floodlights. Sustainability is important to the Swiss Football Association (SFA). That is why it now wants to convert as many lighting systems as possible to LED over the next five years. This will reduce electricity consumption by up to 70% compared to conventional lighting systems.

LEDforFOOT pays CHF 350 per replaced luminaire. 

The following conditions must be met:

  • The project relates to the refurbishment of lighting in Switzerland.
  • The application must be submitted before the renovation work begins. 
  • Only LED lights are used as new light sources.
  • The total installed power of the lighting is reduced by more than 30 %.
  • A dimmer switch with at least two levels (OFF / reduced / full) is installed. 
  • The technical quality criteria are met for the lighting installation. 


Contacts - Funding Programs Switzerland

Pascal Heiz
Head of Team Switzerland

Phone +41 79 384 21 01

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